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You can have up to a 2 line headline here

Optional photo title | This images is borrowed from Flickr to demo a lead image. I believe you have enough for a two line caption without any problems going over into the next content area. I have done overflow hidden to test this idea. This is where the caption goes. I believe you have enough for a two line caption without any problems going over into the next content area. I have done overflow hidden to test this idea.

Optional photo title | This images is borrowed from Flickr to demo a lead image. Caption is optional but added class caption in case you wanted caption under each of these.

View MacArthur Park Arts & Culture Map in a larger map
Optional title | This embed map is a "custom size" to match 455 width and image's height. Caption is available under each of these elements.

Optional title | LEFT: Adding caption here but optional.

Optional title | MIDDLE: Ccaption here but optional.

Optional title | RIGHT: Optional caption here.

Title of the element (455x375) goes here
Optional caption. There is room for 4 lines of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet ipsum vitae sapien aliquam at hendrerit arcu interdum. Nam nec nisi urna, a luctus eros. Donec non elit egestas arcu tempus laoreet. Donec consectetur lacus faucibus erat vestibulum tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce sapien massa, aliquam in luctus et, porta ac enim. Could I just keep adding as much to this caption as I want to and the float will still stay left and just grow and grow and grow as needed?
The Point of the Poetry
Reporter Joshua Adams talks to poet and social activist Tom Earl about his youth open mic, why arts education is important, and the point of the poetry.
The Sunken City: San Pedro’s Atlantis
Locals call it the Sunken City: A part of Point Fermin that literally slid into the ocean in the 1920s. What remains today are housing foundations, railroad tracks and amazing street art.
Reviving Leimert Park: The People Street Petition
Leimert Park is the African American cultural center of Los Angeles. Residents and community leaders are reviving the neighborhood and are petition the city to make 43rd and Degnan a people street.

By First Last

For your Final, write a text main bar that is at least 700 words long, do one "in-their-own-words" audio slideshow (two minutes long, absolutely no narration and must have captions), one Webby element (that offers a two-minute experience) and code it onto this template (factoring the layout/design that best suits your story).

These elements can not duplicate each other... they should compliment each other and together make for a stronger package. They all must relate to your beat and located within our section of the map.

Put your elements onto this template, tweaking the code to fit your story. You will rename the title tag, headline, byline, etc. of this HTML document.

You will also create a folder (titled first initial, last name Ex: rhernandez), and name your first HTML file index.html. You will then upload your folder (rhernandez) which contains all your elements (index.html, a renamed publish_to_web, etc.) into the directory that best matches your beat. The directories are found on server, in the shared_class_site.

The file URL will be: EX:

I will be grading the overall story, the quality of the packages, the quality of the individual elements inside packages (photos, audio, editing, captions, etc.) and how everything works together. Again, the audio slideshow and other elements should not duplicate the content in the text bar.

Of course I will be also checking spelling, grammar, AP Style and general HTML code. Do not let these little mistakes kill your grade. Read the syllabus for details. TIP: Run your text through before you convert it into code.

NOTE: How do you embed a soundeslide? Go to this URL: and paste in the URL of your uploaded audio slideshow. Resize the audio slideshow to 455x375 ... you'll see that option after you click on "continue" ... it's at the bottom. After it resizes, copy-and-paste the embed code into this HTML template.

NOTE: Do NOT view source and copy/paste this code. To get this template, do a right mouse button click on this link and 'Download' or 'Save Link' as.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet ipsum vitae sapien aliquam at hendrerit arcu interdum. Nam nec nisi urna, a luctus eros. Donec non elit egestas arcu tempus laoreet. Donec consectetur lacus faucibus erat vestibulum tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce sapien massa, aliquam in luctus et, porta ac enim. Aenean ligula orci, condimentum non aliquam vel, viverra in tortor. Praesent commodo mollis laoreet. Sed iaculis dignissim fermentum. Integer risus elit, venenatis nec adipiscing ut, congue quis lectus.

Nulla facilisi. Nullam vestibulum condimentum turpis, et semper magna laoreet at. Fusce pulvinar, neque non rutrum accumsan, mi sapien vulputate orci, vel sollicitudin neque lorem non lectus. Nullam justo est, tincidunt in suscipit sit amet, mollis at justo. Aliquam nec neque magna, non ultricies justo. Pellentesque diam erat, vestibulum vitae ultricies sed, euismod in lectus. Pellentesque sed sem sit amet elit porttitor mollis sed sit amet nisi. Aliquam rhoncus libero sit amet sapien sollicitudin elementum. Phasellus magna libero, gravida eget vehicula pretium, consequat non tellus. Sed commodo nisl auctor enim pellentesque fringilla. Maecenas ut massa ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc rhoncus magna massa, id pretium odio.

Duis vel metus sed leo pharetra volutpat nec tempor risus. Donec dignissim suscipit leo ac sagittis. In accumsan felis sit amet augue vestibulum vitae luctus augue interdum. Nulla eu elit at elit accumsan facilisis ut quis erat. Morbi non orci est, at porta nisi. In mauris justo, interdum in placerat id, porta eu est. Mauris eu dapibus orci. Duis eleifend tincidunt sapien quis dignissim. Morbi in quam nisl. Praesent et odio quis dui adipiscing laoreet at eget nibh. Mauris placerat pretium velit tempor pulvinar.

Morbi felis nisl, feugiat vitae faucibus et, sollicitudin eget magna. Curabitur vel arcu non urna pellentesque rutrum. Ut justo ante, imperdiet in rhoncus sit amet, fermentum sed lectus. Nam aliquam tempor erat non facilisis. Pellentesque nec justo leo, sed imperdiet felis. Nullam feugiat ante ac velit porta consectetur. Nullam elit arcu, mollis vel fermentum id, lacinia ac augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi nec tellus a turpis porttitor ullamcorper quis nec nunc. Quisque nisi nulla, luctus vitae rutrum a, pellentesque vitae ante. Mauris magna nulla, egestas eu imperdiet eu, tempor sit amet nulla. Nunc aliquam ultrices luctus. In accumsan convallis lacus vitae mattis. Nulla dolor leo, vestibulum quis semper a, ullamcorper eget erat. In in felis purus, eget dignissim sapien. Aliquam auctor imperdiet ante, ut rhoncus augue fringilla sit amet. Morbi risus eros, pretium non molestie eu, blandit et diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget diam et tellus ornare ultrices.

Proin luctus accumsan lectus, quis fringilla sem venenatis sed. Morbi semper aliquet quam, eu semper sem sagittis lacinia. Donec feugiat varius arcu, eget pellentesque elit dictum euismod. Vestibulum quis elit vel lacus viverra cursus in vel leo. Nulla ipsum arcu, vestibulum at tristique dapibus, semper id lacus. Phasellus sed massa elit, at ullamcorper leo.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse varius, enim quis faucibus pellentesque, purus nisi hendrerit neque, eu tempor dui dolor a nibh. Donec urna diam, iaculis a lacinia in, blandit at tortor. Quisque ut odio lacus, scelerisque feugiat dui. Nullam vitae leo nec eros posuere blandit in ac nisi. Mauris tempus aliquet dui at facilisis.

Quisque tempus aliquam dui et ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam suscipit posuere auctor. Quisque pellentesque cursus turpis, in iaculis dui molestie non. Donec tempor ligula ut lectus volutpat id blandit dolor sollicitudin. Sed erat ipsum, sodales sit amet ornare lacinia, tempus ut ligula.

Nulla eu elit at elit accumsan facilisis ut quis erat. Morbi non orci est, at porta nisi. In mauris justo, interdum in placerat id, porta eu est. Mauris eu dapibus orci. Duis eleifend tincidunt sapien quis dignissim. Morbi in quam nisl. Praesent et odio quis dui adipiscing laoreet at eget nibh. Mauris placerat pretium velit tempor pulvinar.

Morbi felis nisl, feugiat vitae faucibus et, sollicitudin eget magna. Curabitur vel arcu non urna pellentesque rutrum. Ut justo ante, imperdiet in rhoncus sit amet, fermentum sed lectus. Nam aliquam tempor erat non facilisis.

Pellentesque nec justo leo, sed imperdiet felis. Nullam feugiat ante ac velit porta consectetur. Nullam elit arcu, mollis vel fermentum id, lacinia ac augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi nec tellus a turpis porttitor ullamcorper quis nec nunc. Quisque nisi nulla, luctus vitae rutrum a, pellentesque vitae ante. Mauris magna nulla, eges.

Optional title | LEFT: Adding caption here but optional.

Optional title | MIDDLE: Adding a caption here too but optional.

Optional title | RIGHT: Optional caption here.